Brent D. Turner, EdD


Dr. Turner joined K&A as a Consultant in 2023 after committing more than 20 years to enhancing student belonging, engagement, and success in higher education. Brent was most recently the inaugural Executive Director of Campus Life at Northwestern University, where he led teams across three departments in facilitating transformative experiences with students to explore their potential, engage in community, and contribute toward a more just and equitable world.

Before Northwestern, Brent served diverse institutions including public, private, rural, urban, and global colleges and universities. He assessed programs, services, and campus traditions to pursue equity, cultivate vibrancy, increase satisfaction, and reduce harm. His foundational principles—access, equity, and wellness; purpose; courageous leadership; data-informed strategy; and collaboration between academic and student affairs—are the hallmarks of his experience. His expertise includes diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; hazing prevention and risk management; strategic planning; and leadership development. Brent is a passionate advocate for students and uses a racial equity lens to create pathways of engagement to advance learning, belonging, and support.

Brent earned his Bachelor of Arts in government from The College of William and Mary, his Master of Arts in higher education and student affairs from The Ohio State University, and his Doctorate in Education from New England College. Brent was named a 2020 Diamond Honoree by the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) and received the 2022 Distinguished Service Award from Northwestern Student Affairs. Brent is a co-lead facilitator with LeaderShape and lives in Chicago, Illinois with his husband Dan and their goldendoodle Addie.

Areas of Expertise

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Strategic & Sustainability Planning
  • Student Affairs

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