Change for Learning
Ideas have more potential when you share them. Here are some of ours.
Engaging Prospective Candidates During Conference Season
Across the nation, higher education professionals are gearing up for conference season— where industry leaders share knowledge, gain tools to strengthen their strategy and practice, and expand their professional networks. However, savvy campus leaders also know that this is an opportune time for another goal: engaging talented professionals looking for their next career step. Many of our clients have fantastic positions open with hopes of securing stellar candidates before summer, and while conference engagement is not a substitute for an active, strategic recruitment process, it can complement the efforts of K&A and your campus in attracting a strong candidate pool. These benefits include the opportunity to: Informally introduce yourself and your leadership style to potential candidates who align with your vision. Identify highly talented and innovative professionals from across the nation through their presentations, roundtable discussions, and spontaneous conversations. Access a large, often untapped, pool of potential candidates who may not have been familiar with your institution or role yet—bringing a diversity of experiences, fresh perspectives, and creativity to your campus. Of course, conferences and other large events can also bring their own set of challenges; it can sometimes feel overwhelming to navigate as you seek to connect with [...]
Why? – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
I want to reflect on where we are, and what we in higher education might expect from the new presidential administration—and then return to a few much larger and increasingly pressing “why?” questions about higher learning, higher education, and the students we serve.
Don’t Look – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
We must ensure the safety and promote the well-being of all in our campus communities. We must not tolerate discrimination, violence, or threats of violence on any basis; we must not countenance hate speech.
Patterns and Politics – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
The intrusion of courts, Congress, state legislatures, and governors into higher education has become so common, so ordinary, and so unsurprising that any of us can easily slide into numbness. But interference in the research, teaching, service, and operations of colleges and universities will advance only political aims.
Beyond “Just Like Everybody Else” – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
The facts that graduate students are older, may have their own families, often work to support themselves, have different stage-of-life health and well-being challenges, and are closely engaged with (and often dependent on) faculty mentors are not reasons to dismiss or ignore their needs as still-developing people.
Health, Public and Private – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
In many ways, then, COVID-19 introduced public health methods, practices, and results to campuses for the first time... How might a systemic, campus-wide approach, grounded in public health theory, better support a fully inclusive community?
Personal, Political, and Pandemic – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
The Supreme Court’s decision will complicate plans on many campuses to develop health-promoting universities with an inclusive and caring spirit. What the Court’s decision and new state laws will not prevent is students coming to health and counseling centers with unwanted pregnancies, or in need of reproductive health services that healthcare professionals may be forbidden to provide.
An Ounce of Prevention – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
Too many students have come to believe what they do matters more than who they are. Too many think “busy” equals “worthwhile.” The differential suffering imposed by inequity has cheated too many out of their potential.
Not Impossible Dreams – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
The problem is not that we don’t know, or haven’t known, or can’t know what to do; the problem is that opportunities for change have been submerged, stifled, and snuffed out by the intransigency of staid institutional, organizational, and commercial culture. But change is the partner, or implementation plan, of existential moments.
Coming Back – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
This semester will be remembered, if outlived. Educators are resilient people—if nothing else, intrepid. Even in the midst of our fatigue and frustration with Zoom, the sadness we feel for the students who, despite being our purpose, had such a diminished experience this year, and the wrenching uncertainties that define these times, we long for the return of the familiar.
Uncovering – Essay for the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
This pandemic and its consequences has uncovered a lot about ourselves, our students, and our institutions. We must learn from these discoveries.
What is Change for Learning?
The current culture of teaching and learning in academia is not powerful enough to support true higher learning for students. We must put students first.